Ambiguous ampersand checker for HTML

# Found 2 ambiguous ampersands:

Found no character references that don’t end with a semicolon.

See “Ambiguous ampersands in HTML”:

To summarize: there’s a difference between unencoded ampersands (sometimes valid), ambiguous ampersands (always invalid) and encoded ampersands (always valid). An unencoded ampersand is not always an ambiguous ampersand. An unambiguous ampersand can still be invalid.

For more information, read the whole thing.

Note that this tool treats all ampersands as if they were used as text, i.e. outside of an attribute value and outside of <script> or <style> elements. Browsers parse ampersands differently when they’re part of an attribute value. For example, the ampersand in <a href="&foo;"> is an ambiguous ampersand, rather than a parsed entity without a semicolon (which is what this tool would report). The ampersand in <script>"&foo;"</script> is neither.